When you are applying the business license for your restaurant and cafe there will have requirement have to fulfill. As below is the requirement that need to be fulfill.

DBP Certificate
Signboard License as known as approval from Dewan Bahasa Dan Pustaka (DBP).
When do the business license application need to get the DBP approval for your signboard design just can apply for the business license.

KKM Fosim
KKM Fosim is essential for all players in the food and beverage industry, including food truck. Before the application of business license need to get the KKM Fosim.
Some of the local council may no need Fosim when apply business license. But If no have the FOSIM when KKM comes for an inspection, there might be fines imposed. The Fosim need renew every three years.
Food handling course cert
Before applying the business license, need to attend food handling class to get the cert from the training center who are certified by KKM. Boss and worker in the shop must have the cert.

Typoid ty2 cert
Typoid Ty2 is a vaccination against infection. When apply business license should have the Typoid Ty2 Cert of director and all staff. This can get at clinic and have a cert or official letter.
Work Place Requirement
At the kitchen area or area prepare food and drink must have eposy/ mozek at least 5ft high at the wall and also the floor must have eposy/mozek.
Beside that must have the grease trap under the sink. Its function is to separate waste oil and sewage and must keep the surrounding clean.

* This User Guide is subject to change from time to time *
Having everything prepared in advance can prevent a lot of little trouble,
if have any concern can find us for more details.
What type of requirement needed by a restaurant or cafe when apply business license?